Sunday, August 9, 2009

Expellation of My Deepest Fears, Combustion of the Busted Fenceline

I guess I missed my window of opportunity
I had to figure out it was not her fault after all
when I tried to be a man
I swallowed every last bite of my fear

oh if I am just a boy, then let me out to go play
but if I am just a man, then take me out of the day
because who would've thought that you would stay?

my fathers opportunity to share it with me, was
seconds too late
when I got on that plane, I never came back home
when he missed me, I never could get back home

if I am just a boy, and nothing else, then at least I have time to figure
out this bad dream
but I am just a man, and something else, this is becoming the worst
nightmare one could ever see

I grew up by a few feet and yet my feet stayed cemented on the grounds
that the best communication is regarded as disapproval.
I grew up about a few feet away from here and painted my name in the cement
just to communicate with the ground

I am here today without a trace of doubt in my mind that tomorrow will take
a breath away,
but I breathe knowing that my breath is held back by my subconcious's palm

blazed by the temperature of this conversation she put out the fire in my heart
but with it dampened it can not come back on

I am just a black hole sucking in everything that comes my way
wait until you see what I expel

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