Monday, September 27, 2010

Coming Home Looking On Everywhere

back to bruised backs
paper novels harder to turn to dust than ash wood
folded delicacies into whipped desires, I can see it now
all that you hold turns to ice, stone, cold
you have the world in your hands, I am unsafe
at the drop of the dime you drop the ball and walk away
afraid and ashamed of your upbringing and how it just seemed to leave you there
in the middle of the grass is a single daisy, dying to prove the point we don't always live forever
if we can become legendary in any single way, lets hope it can be one of value
and now we are playing the game that the clock expects to win
I'm coming home looking on everywhere for what you left behind
the residuale loss of something one time substancial and nothing can spin faster than a marry
we ride fake ponies to experience the life
and as little as we are we have nothing to hold on to
if you shall ever wake up, I will be right next to you waiting, watching dreaming of you
my life has fired up in ways that had never been expected
but the things you least expect are the things you most appreciate
and though my eyes rie my mind, my heart connects to yours
and through every dream,
a silent movie has just one line
do not be a single one
she expects ice cream cones for lunch
she will expect handfulls of money to make her life easier than I ever had it
so it can only be the way that we figure out
in sleep we wait for the nightmare to come so we can remember how life can be in awkward situations

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