Monday, March 19, 2012

I Know You

Will you wait for me?
Will you stay for me?
Can you breathe for me?
What if I start to forget myself?
What will I know?

You've came into my life,
I swear it was in time
Right when I thought, it was way too late
To ever fall in love, to ever fall in love again
I'd rather die than be without you
I cannot be left alive without you

I know you are the one,
that God sent you to me
You are my everything,
You are the air I breathe
So hear me when I say
Never leave

The oxygen hits my bloodstream
I know you can feel me breathing you in
I know you can feel everything I'm thinking
I'd rather die than see you in pain,
But I'd stay alive just to heal you
I know you might be thinking that I'm naive,
But this is the truth, I need you to believe
I'll never sleep again, I'll never sleep again, I'll never sleep again
If all of your patchwork, comes undone

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

12.12.12 Murder On San Dixie South: Part Two

You could hear me wherever you go,
But now I remember that you swore you'd never leave,
I'm beyond those days and I accept it,
Now my future has light and shadow,
Corners and creases,
We stare though the telescope -
Sing our hearts out through the telephone
Just to know in this galaxy, we are alone
Come back to Texas, the center of the south, as well as you'd get acquainted,
To be satisfied but your pain always stops you

Has it really been this long since I had this much time on my own?
Now plans are here on the worlds backbone
And you'd never know
We still sneak out of theaters and break into cop cars,
With the hopes of hearing you out,
Of reach and time,
On San Dixie South
We just died together.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Homecoming Events: Segmentation

You should have seen her when I opened my eyes
Face first on the floor looking for daddy and nothing more,
So I lifted her up and held her while I realized I had the world in her hands
Oh how I realized I had the world in my arms

So here we sit in boxes with closed eyes and dead hearts
The skylines won't be the same again as we approach Godspeed from all of those above and below
How do we heal in the futures sake when presently the past is too late?

Our face masks can't hide us from becoming a sensible mourner,
So bring all confusion in line to the alters house,
And alter everything we've known -

Our graffiti has no mark anymore as the fresh paint has been layered against our vision
Oh how frequently we feel cheated